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Information about the Sailing Instructions

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In the first instance, please address questions about the SI to the Hon Sailing Sec.

The Tamesis Club Sailing Instructions were updated and V6.0 published on 17 August 2024. The SI are now set up to handle Pursuit Races without using an Addendum.

The Tamesis Club Sailing Instructions were previously thoroughly reviewed and reissued for the 2023-24 Winter Series.

The main change of note was the adoption of the No 1 Pennant, as below, to indicate all classes except National 18s.

No. 1 Pennant will be used during the Blue Series start sequence, with all classes except National 18's now starting at 10:30 in a group start. National 18's will start at 10:35.

Please note the races are still class Series races. Thus class races may be shortened independently from one another.

Accordingly OOD must ensure finish times are recorded, with lap times recommended for the records.

The White Series start sequence will remain unchanged.

We have also clarified the rules about changing boats during a series.

A reminder also that our procedure for starts following general recalls now follows the Racing Rules of Sailing: the class recalled will be re-started next in sequence, with any following class starts being delayed accordingly.

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Last updated 11:58 on 13 September 2024

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