A history of the Tamesis Trophies
We are gathering together a history of the Trophies at Tamesis Club. Here is a snapshot. We hope to post more background soon.
TAMESIS CLUB TROPHIES | Done : August 2024, amended January 2025 |
LOBB CUP | Annual Regatta |
QUEEN ADELAIDE CUP | Oldest trophy in club. Sailed over three races on the same day in midsummer. Results on personal handicaps. |
ANCHOR TROPHY | Raced over same three races as the Queen Adelaide but without handicap. |
EIGHTEEN CUP | Inland Championshiops for Nat 18's on boat design handicap |
MADDISON TROPHY | As for the EIGHTEEN CUP but first on the water. |
CLAUDE RUSSELL CUP | Single long distance race. |
PETER FAYERS CUP | Summer personal handicap trophy | first Non-Ultra 18 on the basis of handicap. |
BERT'S MUG | Winter points (White series). |
SILVER BOAT | Midweek points (Saga and Smith) based on personal handicaps. |
BAROMETER | Boxing Day. |
JOHN HARRIS CUP | First race of Winter Series. |
BLACK MARK | Winter Series trophy. |
MERLIN WINTER HANDICAP | Winter Series handicap trophy. |
BRIDGER CUP | Summer Series trophy. |
MERLIN HANDICAP | Summer Series handicap trophy. |
BLACK HEN | First half of the sailed races of the Winter Series. (10 of 20, 5 of 10) Some history from Andy Harris: "It is a trophy called the Warsash Easter Egg which is presented to Flying Dutchman crews only, John must have won when he was crewing for Alan Warren, pre Olympics. The Black Hen Advocaat is a Dutch liqueur and apparently the egg part is a promo/pub display item that has been turned into a trophy. The link presumably is Dutch, I guess Dad won it and never returned it, because we still have it." |
GEOFF SAFFERY-COOPER CUP | Combined with last race of Winter series. Leading boat must sail for a minimum of an hour and a half. Unless OOD decides special circumstances prevail. |
RESTLESS TROPHY | Sailed for on first Sunday of Salcombe Merlin week. |
PORTEOUS CUP | Overall Winner of Vintage Merlin meeting. Usually day before Sondown. |
SOUTHCOTT TROPHY | Awarded for last race of Vintage Meeting. |
SONDOWN CUP | Open meeting, usually in Autumn. Can also be a Silver Tiller. |
ELIZABETH BOWL | Highest placed Vintage boat in Sondown. |
MERLIN CANNON | In the Class Captains gift for a Vintage or Classic boat. Cannot be won by same helm in consecutive years. |
SUSAN'S SWORD | Boxing day winner. |
SAMURAI SWORD | Boxing Day second. |
PISTOL | Boxing Day third. |
BRYAN EVANS CUP | Annual Regatta |
FROSTBITE MUG | Winter series. |
LASER SHIELD | Summer series. |
REILLY CUP | Summer handicap. |
BAROMETER | Open meeting. |
LASER POT | Boxing day winner. |
ELIZABETH CUP | Open meeting in Summer. |
JUNIOR FIREFLY CUP | Open meeting in Summer. |
FIREFLY FIDDLE | Boxing Day winner. |
BADDER CUP | Spare |
SINGLE HANDED TROPHY | Single handed race. |
FIREFLY MUG | Winter points series. |
HAMPTON TROPHY | Winter handicap series. |
KNOWLES BOWL | Summer points series. |
FIREFLY CHALICE | Summer handicap series . |
MUNSTER CUP | Recently a replacement for the Merlin Southcott cup, now spare. |
DAPPLER TROPHY | All spare as Cadets no longer sailed at the club. |
WINTER MUG | All spare as Cadets no longer sailed at the club. |
SOUTHCOTT CUP | All spare as Cadets no longer sailed at the club. |
VINES TROPHY | All spare as Cadets no longer sailed at the club. |
JOHN COLLIER TROPHY | All spare as Cadets no longer sailed at the club. |
MURRAY VINES CUP | All spare as Cadets no longer sailed at the club. |
CADET PADDLE | Boxing Day. |
OFFSHORE CUP | Annual Offshore race. "Jack's Trip", nammed after Jack Tuscon. |
SEACOCK TROPHY | For the biggest cock up during the Offshore race. Presented at the after race dinner. |
BRAGANZA BOWL | Best 3 of 4 races sailed on a weekend in September. |
YATES CUP | Single race on the Saturday of the above event. |
EDWARD EVANS CUP | Open meeting in Spring or early Summer. |
ROOFF PERPETUAL | Travellers trophy, usually held in the Spring. |
OUFFA CUP | Spare |
SAGA TROPHY | Thursday evening handicap series in May and June. |
G. W. SMITH TROPHY | Thursday evening handicap series in July and August. |
SUNDAY HANDICAP | Handicap race held on each Sunday at 10.30 and split into 4 mini series (A, B, C and D) |
BAKER CUP | Ladies race - sadly, not recently used. |
CENTENARY CUP | Pursuit race. Originally 2 x 2 hour races held in Summer but now one longish one. Presented by Commodore Louis Derham in 1985. |
BURNETT CHALLENGE TROPHY | Individual Summer pursuit in Summer. |
GREAT TEA RACE | Cutty Sark Bolt. Pursuit race in Summer. |
KEMPTON NUT | Junior prize in above event. |
TRAFALGAR TROPHY | Pursuit race held in the Autumn. |
TROWLOCK TROPHY | Handicap pursuit race. |
RNLI BURGEES | Awarded to winners of races on RNLI day. |
UFFA'S SPOON | Tablespoon on which Uffa scratched his name. Awarded at Vice Commodore dinner to whoever the current holder thinks has made the biggest nautical cock up in the year. |
SERPENTINE CUP | Challenge inter club team race. |
BURGEE TROPHY | Team race between Thames, Minima and Tamesis. To be held each year on the holders water. |
GENATTA PLATE | Team race between Royal Canoe Club and Tamesis. In abeyance for many years |
JUNIOR CUP | Junior Regatta in late Summer. |
MURRAY VINES CUP | Topper Open. |
NOTE | N.B. From Badder cup down are not currently raced for (no fleet) as at August 2024 |
Last updated 00:14 on 31 January 2025