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Home / News / Enterprise Open 2024 Saturday 13th April
Home / News / Enterprise Open 2024 Saturday 13th April

Enterprise Open 2024 Saturday 13th April

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Published 21:23 on 16 Apr 2024

Nine Enterprises took to the water on Saturday. The stream had abated somewhat, and the wind a gusty westerly and all over the place.

OOD Marcus Chavasse set a figure of eight course starting upstream. The first of the races was easily won by Iaan and Jo McGregor from Lensbury SC. Fellow Lensbury sailors Chris Rowsell and Teresa Burton were second and Richard Shillitoe crewed by James Budden were third. There were no spills, but a couple of retirements due to sore gear and sore heads.

The second race came soon after the end of the first. The course was shortened a bit as the stream was causing problems when the wind dropped. Iaan and Jo won by a country mile leaving Alex and David Cane from Minima second and Chris and Teresa third.

As the winner of the Edward Evans Cup was an undisputed Iaan and Jo, there was no need to run a third race. This was a relief for most - they had thoroughly enjoyed being out after months of no sailing and had a great work out.

Lunch beckoned and Alfie produced some great sandwiches and ran the bar with the help of others

The prize giving was held after lunch. Iaan and Jo were presented with the Edward Evans Cup and Robin Broomfield won the very curtailed Travellers' Trophy with various crew.

Thanks to the race crew of Marcus Chavasse, Carolyne Vines, Patrol Boat crew Mal Warner, Chris Pollard and Chris Wade who doubled up as photographer.

Thanks to Alfie and Charlotte for the bacon butties and the sandwiches.

Final results:

1st Ophelia Iaan and Jo McGregor Lensbury SC

2nd Thurnderbird II Chris Rowsell and Teresa Burton Lensbury SC

3rd Red Ent Richard Shillito and James Budden Minima YC

Last updated 12:16 on 1 July 2024

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